Sunday, May 8, 2011

Breakfast: Chocolate Banana Muffins

I'm back, and its mothers day today I for my mum and grandma I am making Banana-Choc Muffins. My mum also has a recipe for banana BREAD which is basically the same recipe as Nigella's but in a oaf tin and without the cocoa. Mixture was pretty easy to make and putting the mixture in the muffin tin was easier than expected, but transferring the SILICON muffin tin from the bench to the oven was a messy job, my neat clean job of putting the mixture in each muffin compartment was ruined as soon as I tried to pick up the muffin casing. Eventually I had the genius plan of putting a board under the tray and then taking it over to the oven... it worked. Once cooked the muffins where beautiful little beauties, moist and spongy. Its amazing how something small can look so wonderful without actually dressing it up too much. Later on I will be making Barbecued Beef Mince i.e NACHOS! for our family friends who's mum is actually in America at this current time, looking forward to that.


  1. Hi Nat,

    wow these look and sound so good that I actually want to grap one! So instead I'm going to beg and plead for recipe.... pls!!

    Think muffins would be greatly welocmed into our home.

    Love and cheers Gin x

  2. Absolutely beautiful. Very light to eat because I think I ate 5
