Friday, April 15, 2011

Dinner Party #1: Meatballs & Chocolate Cake

Tonight is the fist ever Lawson Dawson Dinner Party, I've decided to host a two course meal tonight for my close friends going away to China (Group 2)!
On the menu tonight is a generous helping of meatballs and a cake that could give you diabetes just looking at it.
This morning mum, mums friends Lisa and Georgina and myself had this new machine called the Thermomix shown to us, its pretty impressive. It's basically about 10+ kitchen appliances put into one perfectly sized machine. Anyway back to the Dinner Party, after I had cooked Devils Food Cake and left it out to cool, I noticed something that pt me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. A crack, a split, a imperfection to the amazing cake I was hoping to create, I could have been over reacting but to me and at that moment I was thinking the worst "I have to start again now", "but it took me forever", mum eventually calmed me and just told me to ice over it, I was still 

For this cake the icing is quite runny so if it helps put the icing in the fridge for an hour then ice the cake so its thick with chocolaty goodness and then put back in the fridge.
It turned out fine and everyone arrived on time and we where in for a great meal, the meatballs went down well and I wish I had made more, but when that cake came out all I said was "let them eat cake" and eat cake they did, once my friends and I had finished our slices we went downstairs into the basement, I came up for a glass of water and the whole cake... GONE! i couldn't believe it! Greedy parents...
Clockwise Left to Right:

Angus, Luke, Bella, Keith, Virginia, Andrew (dad), Jo (mum).

The amazing masterpiece I created~

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